Along for the Ride…

Well Hello Out There… This is the MADness Man and I have not had Much to say since the WoooWhooo Pandemic… I mean… What is there to say? We Won’t Get Fooled Again? Nice Thought but, of course We Will. As has happened so many times in my Short time on the Blue Marble it is, Once Again, a New Day and a New Adventure. Having had a Most Blessed Life so far and Looking Forward to the Newness of My Life Journey not Much really bothers me anymore. Don’t get me Wrong… I still actually care about many things but I have come to realize that there is not much I can do about Anything other than to Choose Happiness for Myself. After All, when you no longer Fear Death, there is a substantial amount of Freedom that comes with that. I once said that my Art became Significant when I realized that it did Not Matter what ANYONE thought about Me or Anything that I did. I only Created for me and to attempt to get Better with every Piece. The Creativity and Process were what was Important and Not about Pleasing anyone else. The Freedom that came with this Mindset was the First step to becoming a True Creative. It allowed Experimentation, Mistakes, Disappointment and Victory. It freed me from painting the same painting over and over for Money instead of the Quest for Perfection of said Subject. I still love the process of Creativity and am adding new Pursuits to my Expanding Repertoire. I sometimes am Amazing that I have gotten this far (and those who Really know me probably do also). It is also a Sobering (no pun intended) Reality that I have entered or Lived in certain Time Charted Milestones. Eight Decades, Two Centuries and Even Two Millenniums. This said I typically still think I have so much to Learn and Accomplish. I still think Long Term. Then Again I do Get Younger and More Handsome Every Day!!! God has been VERY Kind to Me and I know in my Heart that HE has me here for a Reason. Let’s see where he takes Me… Y’all are invited to come along for the Ride…